Jon created this game exclusively in Python with the PyGame module. Follow the link above for a video demo of the game. The beta version is playable by forking and creating a Replit profile on this webpage. Stori demonstrates the power of Object Oriented Programming, as enemy and object instances are based off of a Class.
As this is an embedded screen from Replit, you must hit the green "Run" button on the top right of the screen for the game to load. Sound is available by hitting the earphones button on the bottom right of the screen afterwards. CPU is limited from Replit, but the game is playable regardless.
Jon created CubeToss as a prototype game for RivalCoins, made with Unity in C#. It is available for free download on the Google Play Store.
This beta version of Grid Game puts the player in a 4x4 map, where the player explores and defeats monsters. This prototype was created using JavaScript to interact with HTML elements in the browser. Grid Game demonstrates Jon's aptitude of using JavaScript to create complex structures.
Using Vanilla JS, this Pig Latin translation tool can download results!
Jon started working as a software developer for Rival Coins in March of 2019. Working side-by-side with a graphics design team, he created a system to test their art, using JavaScript and web development skills.
This restaurant site, American Eats, uses a variety of web development skills as well as a little bit of Javascript for banners and forms. There is also a bit of styling with Cascading Styles Sheets. This is a sample website done per a company's request, to demonstrate web development skills.
Lucky Sevens is a simulation that rolls two dice repeatedly. When the sum of the die is seven, the player gains $4, otherwise the player loses $1. The game tracks how long it takes for the player to lose all of the money they bet, as well as keeping track of various statistics during play. Jon created Lucky Sevens using JavaScript.
This simple web page displays randomized phrases after input is given. The player asks a yes or no question, which is responded to by the webpage at random. Jon created this version of Magic Eight Ball as a simple JavaScript demonstration.